Yogaratna on How to BE the Change

How to BE the Change We Need’ gives a clear picture of how we can think about political issues, whilst keeping a firm hold of our Buddhist practice of mindfulness, ethics, wisdom and compassion.  The approach is admirably non-partisan: thinking about politics as a Buddhist doesn’t mean we have to be a left-leaning or right-leaning Buddhist!  It makes it clear that the political is part of human nature, and can so easily lead to polarisation and suffering.  As Buddhists, we need to engage with the political scene more directly and to consider how we engage with this side of ourselves wisely and compassionately; so as to reduce suffering in ourselves and in the world. 


So a campaign to encourage people to read ‘How to BE the Change...’ will be a good thing — and even better if we all do actually read it!


Yogaratna, Triratna Buddhist Order

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